Grow Your Own Furniture

Amy was assembling our new dressers. The dressers couldn


A lady staffer at a church we used to attend always pronounced Jesus like Jeezuz, like suds, spuds, or was, with a strong emphasis on the hard, buzzing z instead of a soft s. Why did she do this? It

Editor’s Note–TFF Issue 27

Incongruities are the chief source of my humor. It could be that I am creating the incongruities in my head, twisting reality to suit the joke, or just being an irascible, irritating, embarrassing dad, but that

Jesus Saves

I saw a mug at Goodwill with a picture of Jesus on it. In big, bold letters was captioned


Ella and I were talking about when I saved Anna, my oldest daughter, two-years-old at the time in 2009, from entanglement with the pull-string on the mini-blinds and when I did a one-arm-out-the-corner-of-my-eye save of a friend