Editor’s Note–TFF Issue 28

Root cause analysis is important. Years ago, I owned a Chevy S-10 pickup truck. It had a rotted tailgate; it shifted like I was trying to push a toothpick through modeling clay; and it would occasionally send perfume bursts of gasoline fumes into the cab when the fuel injectors malfunctioned. But I thought it was […]

Shiny Wing Lips

I bought a sleeveless workout sweatshirt from Goodwill. When I worked out in it for the first time, I sweated through it at the base of my sternum in the shape of a pair of lips. Not just any lips; huge, come on, Marilyn Monroe lips. In previous workouts, I


Ella and I were talking about when I saved Anna, my oldest daughter, two-years-old at the time in 2009, from entanglement with the pull-string on the mini-blinds and when I did a one-arm-out-the-corner-of-my-eye save of a friend

Channeling Pesci

My youngest daughter, Ella, wrote a series of stories called The Witch